WG2. Repository Development
Repository Development
Some members of Working Group (WG) 2 are experts in language databases, lexicography and phraseology. WG2 team members focus on proposals of WG1 regarding theoretical apparatus by incorporating them into the repository that will be richly supplied with a natural resource drawing on the findings of WG1. The WG2 is also responsible for making changes after initial operationalization in the microstructure of the already existing PhraCon entries in the repository to tailor to the needs of PhraConRep COST Action. WG2 assists WG3 in the formulation of sophisticated corpus queries when the need arises. This collaboration is expected to scaffold the WG3 team members to work consistently and effectively.
Leadership positions in this working group
WG2 leader: Nikolche Mickoski
Vice leader: Max Silberztein
Below you can explore our members’ directory, offering you the option to search for and connect with them.
Name | Country |
Prof. Katrin SCHLUND | Germany |
Dr. Marcelina KAŁASZNIK | Poland |
Dr. Neslihan ONDER-OZDEMIR | Türkiye |
Dr. Sonia OLIVER | Spain |
Dr. Tamas KISPAL | Germany |
Prof. Vida JESENSEK | Slovenia |
Dr. Anna PAVLOVA | Germany |
Dr. Nataliia CHEILYTKO | Germany |
Dr. Max SILBERZTEIN | France |
Prof. Anna BACZKOWSKA | Poland |
Dr. Atul Kumar OJHA | Ireland |
Dr. Dragan IVANOVIC | Serbia |
Dr. Irina LOBZHANIDZE | Georgia |
Prof. Mirjana ILIĆ | Serbia |
Prof. Rute COSTA | Portugal |
Prof. Suzana GJATA | Albania |
Dr. Svetlana SLIJEPČEVIĆ BJELIVUK | Serbia |
Dr. Veronika LIPP | Hungary |
Dr. Emrah OZCAN | Türkiye |
Dr. Hiwa ASADPOUR | Türkiye |
Dr. Huseyin OZDEMIR | Germany |
Dr. Linas SELMISTRAITIS | Lithuania |
Dr. Alma HALIDOVIĆ | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
Ms. Natallia FUNT | United Kingdom |
Prof. Laura A. JANDA | Germany |
Dr. Stella HÎRBU | Norway |
Dr. Carolina ANDRONIC | Moldova |
Dr. Balint SASS | Hungary |
Dr. Rina ZVIEL-GIRSHIN | Israel |
Dr. Pedro IVORRA ORDINES | United States |
Dr. Ivana FILIPOVIC PETROVIC | Croatia |
Dr. Fatma Ozge ÖZKOK | Türkiye |
Prof. Olivera DURBABA | North Macedonia |
Ms. Branka BARČOT | Croatia |
Dr. Jelena PARIZOSKA | Croatia |
Dr. Mikaela PETKOVA-KESSANLIS | Bulgaria |
Dr. Nikolche MICKOSKI | North Macedonia |
Dr. Anastazia ŽUNIĆ | Serbia |
Ms. Andelka ZECEVIC | Serbia |
Dr. Biljana RUJEVIĆ | Serbia |
Dr. Adi MASLO | Bosnia & Herzegovina |
Dr. Ewelina WOŹNIAK-WRZESIŃSKA | Poland |
Dr. Kristina KOPPEL | Germany |
Dr. Marija PENDEVSKA | North Macedonia |
Dr. Vilma ZUBAITIENE | Lithuania |
Dr. Rahime Duygu TEMELTÜRK | Türkiye |
Dr. GULSEN ERYIGIT | Türkiye |
Ms. Sevgi ADIGUZEL HUSSAIN | Türkiye |
Dr. Anastasija SOKOLOVA | Czech Republic |
Prof. Joanna SZCZEK | Poland |
Mr. Özgür ALTINTOP | Türkiye |
Dr. Daniel HLÁDEK | Slovakia |
Dr. Haci Mehmet GUZEY | Türkiye |
Dr. Tatjana GRUJIC | Serbia |
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